Say It

I am older than I might like to admit.  Past the big-four-oh. Some days the "oh" is louder than others. 

I am a "grown man."  By most definitions.  Unless I am acting like a kid.  A Daddy has to at times.

I am a Christ follower, husband, father, & pastor.  I am blessed beyond my imagination.

Yet when a dear brother I respect wrote to me, "I am proud of you!," my heart leapt.

Words are powerful, Friends.

Words can injure.  Or cure.

Words can hinder.  Or encourage.

If you have a blessing to offer, then write it.

Share it.

Say it.



Our four year old - the Loving Linebacker - is growing bigger & acting stouter all the time.  Rough & tumble one moment. Gentle & loving the next.

Attempting to ready him for sleep last night I said, "Let's lay on your bed & read a book."  Knowing that he loves to be self-determined I added, "You choose one."

And, since he wants to be a paleontologist, I should not have been surprised by his choice: Ferocious Dinosaurs!  It even has sound.  Roaaaar!  I read softly & slowly attempting to mellow the beast beside me.  Yet he was so excited, he couldn't lay down, but sat & bounced beside me.  Peppering me with questions. Animated at the prospect of enormous creatures eating gargantuan plants.  And one another.  Rough & tumble.

Book complete, however, he laid his head on my chest.  Gentle & loving.

I whispered slowly, awe voiced, "Lay still. What do you hear?"

He whispered back, still as he could be, "I hear thumping."

"That's Daddy's heartbeat. God makes it beat.  It makes me alive."

I received a still, soft, "Uh-huh."  He lay motionless.  Listening.

Still whispering I asked, "Do you know what it says?"  Speaking to the rhythm of my heart, "Thump-thump, thump-thump, says, I love, John Mark. I love, Mama. I love, Mary.  I love, Sethy. I love, John Mark."

And then I prayed.  With my son's ear planted still.  On my chest.  I prayed.  Of thanksgiving, of praise, of protection, of wisdom.  And love.

O, how a father loves.

O, how much more our Heavenly Father loves.

God, so loved... you.

But God demonstrates his own love... to you.

You are the heartbeat of our Heavenly Father.

Share a comment - praise, prayer, thanks - as you choose.

No Regrets

We buried a friend yesterday.  A dear, godly man.  Like unto a saint.

Curious, inquisitive, life-long learner, gentlemanly, courteous, quick-witted, affable, gracious, congenial, patient, kind. Rich voice, gentle hands, hearty laugh.  Settled & secure in God's sovereign grace allowing him to be a portent for many.

"He didn't wear Christianity on his lapel, but on his life.  You just knew."

I'll miss Bill Long.  He blessed me.  More than words can say.

I love Bill Long.  A treasured friend.

I'll see him again.  Thanks be to God.

Hearing such rich remembrances of a gracious soul, I wish I'd have known him even better.  Spent more time. Asked more questions.  Sought greater depth.  A sapling sheltered by a giant.

Love well, Dear Friends.  Grow where you are planted.

Spend time.

Share life.




That you'd have no regrets.


If you were a guest at the Householder house tonight, you'd see a scene similar to this.  We'll be snuggled up on the couch.  I'll have a kid under each arm.  The littler ones. The third one, big brother, within reach.  Of all things, we'll be watching WIPEOUT, but we'll be having a great time.  Who knew you could make falling down so much fun?  And we'll be laughing & talking & having fun. Together.

We're not a swan family, but I do love my chicks.  And I look forward to times when I know I'll have them nestled under my wings.  Me & mine.  Nothing better.

As I was thinking through my day early this morning, I got these two pictures in my head.  The one I just described about my family.  The one you see here with the swan family.  And that word the word "nestle" came to mind.  It means "to lie close & snug, like a bird in a nest; snuggle or cuddle."  It comes from a Middle English word, first recorded in 1547 in reference to person settling or snuggling.  Just like a bird in it's nest. It's an intimate word.  A close word.  A comfortable word.

The Holy Spirit got my attention next.  There are word pictures in Scripture.  Particularly in Psalms.  Speaking of our Heavenly Father tenderly covering us, His chicks, beneath his sheltering wings nestled therein.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield & rampart. Psalm 91:4

How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high & low men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.  Psalm 36:7

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster is passed.  Psalm 57:1

I do not know what wipe out or disaster you may be facing, Dear Reader, but I do know.  With certainty.  That our Faithful Father will be your rampart.  Your shield.  Your refuge.

Find yourself nestled into His wings.  And find yourself secure.

Would you consider sharing a note of praise or a request for prayer in the comments? 

Consider Your Life

It is a new year. 

I wonder if you have taken some time to consider your life.

I have done such considering these past days.  Not because of the calendar however, but as the result of a message received this past gusty, freezing Thursday night.

A friend since junior high, a fellow pastor, hubby & daddy to two young children, John Franklin, was dead.  He died in a hunting accident.  But he lived.  Wow, did he live to the fullest.

If you asked for one word to describe John, I'd say: Passionate.  Passionate in his love for Jesus.  Passionate in his love for his wife.  Passionate about loving his kids.  Passionate in loving anyone he met.  He loved in a way that elevated the object of his love.  He loved otherish.

We live like we will live forever.  Expecting tomorrow.  Assuming next year.  Procrastinating actions.  Delaying decisions.  Reasoning that we'll have time.  Yet.  In an instance.  We might die.  A accident.  An illness.

Consider your life.

Not because it is a new year, but because you do not know how many years, or hours, you may have.

Consider your life.

Are you absolutely certain that if you were to die right now that you could say, "I have trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior & Lord"?  If you confess Jesus as Lord & believe God raised him from the dead you will be saved states Romans 10:9.  You do not need to have all the answers.  You do need to know you have sinned, broken God's laws, & that you need a Savior.

Consider your life.

If you have given your heart to Jesus in the past, are your truly living for him today?  John posted on his blog the day before his death, quoting a prayer from Ephesians 3:17-18 "...that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and height, and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge."  You won't get it right all the time.  You can ask God to know his love more intimately & live like Christ more fully moment by moment.

Consider your life.

John & his dear wife, Penny, are pictured here.  Pray for her, his two young children, his family & friends.

Click here to go to John's blog.  Listen as he sings & chats with his kids.  Recorded just 15 days before his unexpected death.

Consider your life.