Melanie 24-100
In 2007 I wrote this to describe a day-in-the-life of Melanie in 100 words or less for a Mother's Day writing contest.
Onehundred words. Twentyfour hours. One wonderwoman.
Quiet. Sleeping. Still. One.
Cold. Snuggling. Warm. Two.
Dreaming. Wonder. Tossing. Three.
Crying. Baby. Nursing. Four.
Peaceful. Perfect. Rest. Five.
Sunlight. Footsteps. Children. Six.
Coffee. Husband. Breakfast. Seven.
Clothes. Dressing. Toothpaste. Eight.
Kisses. Daddy. Bye. Nine.
Buzz. Downstairs. Laundry. Ten.
Reading. Daughter. Laugh. Eleven.
Backpack. Son. School. Noon.
Blanket. Searching. Found. One.
Napping. Doorbell. Package. Two.
Stirring. Awake. Snack. Three.
Carpool. Home. Smiling. Four.
Fridge. Cooking. Supper. Five.
Dishes. Running. Backyard. Six.
Bath. Pajamas. Books. Seven.
Bedtime. Prayers. Goodnight. Eight.
Couch. Unwind. Novel. Nine.
Heavy. Eyes. Closing. Ten.
Bleary. Diaper. Changing. Eleven.
Quiet. Sleeping. Still. Midnight.
Melanie. Wife. Mama. Day.
And in case you are wondering: She won the contest. Go, Melanie! You are amazing.
I love you always, Aaron.