Fish for Breakfast
“When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.”
The hopes of Jesus’ disciples were dead as his body that lay in the grave. Then he rose from the dead. In the days following, Jesus appeared not once, not twice, but six times to one or more of his followers. He shared peace, hope, faith, and knowledge as he did.
Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two other disciples traveled from Jerusalem to Galilee as Jesus commanded. John 21:1-14 recounts the story.
Peter—ever ready to do something—decides to go fishing. The others join him. In the job he left and the boat he left three years earlier to follow Jesus. Yet, now, despite the hope of post-resurrection appearances there are questions.
Without Jesus here, how will my life go?
I followed him. I believed in him. Jesus was everything to me. And, now, he’s gone. How do I continue to follow him when he’s not here to follow? How will he provide for me now? To lead me? Or, am I on my own? Again. To live life by my terms? Once more. To provide for myself again as a fisherman? So. Yes. I’ll go fishing.
All night they fished and caught nothing. As dawn breaks they’re heading in when a not yet identified as Jesus person on the shore says of their lack of fish, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” They do. Too many to haul in.
John says “It is the Lord!”
Peter jumps in and swims a hundred yards to Jesus.
The others struggle ashore dragging the net full of 153 large fish.
And there, indeed, on the shore is Jesus. Roasting them fish for breakfast and some bread.
Why fish for breakfast? What is Jesus teaching? What were they to learn? What are we to learn?
When we obey God—going where He says and doing what He commands—we will know His presence and His provision.
See Him or not. God is with us.
Except Him or not. God provide for us.
Perceive Him or not. God loves us.
Follow Jesus.