Certain Conclusion
One of the great privileges & sacred trusts of being a pastor is being close to the brokenhearted. Yes, a privilege, because Scripture says, "God is close to the brokenhearted." Brokenhearted hurts. That's one ugly compound word. But your broken heart - in the hands of God - is good.
In the past two days I have heard two stories of God's amazing goodness to the brokenhearted in the face of enormous trials. Two children given a new life through adoption. One child growing where doctors thought no hope.
Three precious children. One certain conclusion. God can.
We will not always know why. Or why not. We will not always know when. We will not always know how.
But we can know. That as God chooses. By His grace. In His providence. Through His power. God can.
Press play below. Rejoice in & be reminded of the certain conclusion. God can.