Forty observations on life celebrating my fortieth birthday. Some serious. Some not so much. You decide.
- Never cease to by amazed by God’s grace. Thank Him.
- Help. I need somebody. We all need help at times. Be willing.
- Friends are essential equipment for life well live. Be one.
- Mayonnaise tastes good. Especially on french fries. Try.
- Sleep is a gift. Don’t hate if you don’t have it.
- Crying is good. Joyful. Painful. Griefful. Let it out.
- Dr. Pepper really does make life taste better. 10-2-4.
- Laugh. Loud & often. Thank me later.
- Hair needs trimming. Nose & ear hairs with age. Agh!
- Be courageous. Your gut is right. Mostly.
- Chill. Too serious is too bad. Loosen up a little.
- Trust God. And others. Mystery makes you stronger.
- A day without peanut butter is not a day. Mmmm.
- Inspiration is essential. Search it out. Dream.
- Seasons change. Enjoy the difference.
- Eat more fruit & veggies. Ask my wife.
- Run. For your life.
- God gives grace to the humble. Be broken.
- Show your faith. Sacrifice.
- Growth is change for the better. Don’t die.
- Chocolate. Just as long as you have some in the house.
- Memories are priceless. Hold on.
- Patience. Its a virtue hard earned. Worth the wait.
- Be a kid. I act like I’m 6 (or 66). Ask my wife that one too.
- Give your heart. God says you’ll find Him.
- A lion’s roar. In the wild. Will surprise you.
- Forgiveness is the best gift. To give yourself too.
- Pain reminds us we’re human. Don’t curse. Thank God.
- Follow Jesus. The best decision you’ll ever make.
- We need a big God. Don’t limit him by your thinking. Or faith.
- Have passion. Live for something.
- Stretch your brain. Learn.
- Two words: Ice cream. Two more: Blue Bell.
- Comfort is a virtue. No matter what others say.
- Give. It’s best.
- Love with everything you’ve got. You can do it.
- Order is nice, but life is unpredictable. Be flexible.
- Treasure family. God gave you one another.
- Listen. You’ll learn things you never knew.
- Don’t tell your wife not to interrupt when writing your forty things. Trust me.