Why Bother?
A caffè latte is an espresso made with steamed milk, topped by foamed milk. The latte is the most popular espresso drink. As such, the latte has lots of jargonized options.
Some folks avoid coffee houses due to cost. Others due to spousal promises of caffeine avoidance. But some folks, like me, avoid them for fear of the vocabulary. You gotta speak coffeese.
One such coffeese named latte came to mind while reading this morning. But I wasn't drinking one. Nor was I dreaming of one in caffeine withdrawals. I was reading, remember?
It is called a "Why Bother." A decaf, sugar free, nonfat latte.
Yes. Why bother? You just removed all the best reasons for drinking it! The caffeine, sugar & fat. All gone. What have you got left?
Why Bother latte? Because you can.
Why bother Jesus? Because he can.
Mark 4:35-5:43 is a potent story trio with one purpose: displaying Jesus' awesome power. Jesus' power over nature, 4:35-41, calming the storm. Jesus' power over evil, 5:1-20, casting out the legion of demons. And, here in 5:21-43, Jesus' power over sickness & death.
Jairus, a synagogue ruler with a dying daughter, falls down pleading before Jesus. "Please come & put your hands on her so that she will be healed." I am a Daddy who loves his little girl. I've got welly eyes & a lumpy throat as I feel this.
Jesus went with Jairus. Jairus hoped in Jesus.
But then, a woman, a woman with an issue of blood catches Jesus' attention along the way. The woman is healed. But Jairus' daughter dies.
Bad news bearers ask, "Why bother the teacher any more?," in verse 35.
Why bother?
Dead is dead.
Dead is final.
Jesus might have healed her while alive.
Now she is dead.
Jesus can not have that sort of power.
Why bother?
But. Thanks be to God, Jesus is more powerful than earthly anything even faithless anyones.
Goes verse 36, "Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, 'Don't be afraid. Just believe.'" The little girl was raised from the dead.
Why bother?
Because Jesus can.