Unbecoming Arrogance
Have you ever been guilty of the exact thing that you called out someone else for? And, to multiply your error, they weren’t guilty of it at all, but you actually were?!
I did that.
I’ll spare you the sad, sorry story, but I’ll tell you the lesson learned: Arrogance is unbecoming.
What was I thinking? How could I be so brash? What motivated such pettiness? When did my mouth become so foot-shaped? How did I grow too big for my britches (again)?
“Father, help me. Forgive me. Purify me. Master me.”
Thankfully, I was among brothers and sisters who were gracious to me. I could have been blasted, yet I was treated with kindness that I didn’t extend.
I am humbled.
“God, keep me from such folly. Prevent my mouth from collecting foot. Keep me the right right size for my britches. Enable me to love like Jesus. Elevate others by your grace through me. Thank you for your forgiveness.”
Arrogance is unbecoming.
Boast no more so very proudly, do not let arrogance come out from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and with Him actions are weighed.—1 Samuel 3:2 NASB
God alone muffles arrogance.