We Are Americans
We are America. Paragon of nations.
We are Americans. This is our nation.
Our loves. Our hates. Our struggles. Our sins. Our economy. Our industry. Our history. Our future. Our dreams. Our nightmares. Our liberals. Our conservatives. Our religions. Our philosophies. Our sexuality. Our races. Our languages. Our cultures. Our foods. Our accents. Our music. Our hobbies. Our entertainment. Our music. Our sports. Our heroes. Our enemies. Our causes. Our voice. Our land. All our differences. All our similarities. We are Americans.
No one person, even the President of the United States, love him or hate him, can change who we are. We are Americans.
Yet we can change who we are. Individually and collectively. We can choose to be kind when others are not. We can choose reason over reaction. We can choose grace over bitterness. We can choose forgiveness. We can choose respect. We can choose to rise above name calling, division, and partisanship. We can choose to honor others above ourselves. We can choose to be our best and treat others with dignity We can choose love.
You may not have chosen to vote for a person, but you can choose how you represent yourself and our nation in response.
Our President-elect may not make America great again. But you can. One by one. Choice by choice.
Eight years ago at the inauguration of President Obama I wrote Tomorrow Today. Click here to read that post. And, as always, please share this post using the options below or subscribe as well.