Can you count the grains of sand on those adorable baby feet? Could you count the grains of sand on a beach? On all the beaches? In all the deserts? On our entire planet?
The first question—the baby’s feet—would be more than most of us would have patience for. And, frankly, why would you even bother? Those chubby footsies help us make the point that there is a lot of sand on Earth. Scientists estimate that 65 million square miles of our planet is covered by sand—and that’s just surface area.
The word “many” in the following scripture might make you think of sand.
“And the free gift is not like the result of that one man’s sin. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification.”
The “free gift” mentioned is eternal salvation. By grace you are saved through faith. God offers the free gift of salvation to all who confess their faith in His son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior.
People need God’s free gift because of our “many trespasses"—The Understatement of the Ages. Trespasses is another way to say “sins.” This scripture is contrasting God's one free gift with all human sin of all time. Humans beings are sin machines. We can not help but to break God’s law. We naturally do things our own way. Seven billion people inhabit our planet now. An estimated 108,000,000,0000— one hundred and eight billion!—have called Earth home throughout its existence.
The understated "many” doesn’t come close when counting all those sins. The actual number of all human sins of all times might be better described as countless or innumerable.
Yet no matter how many people, no matter how many sins, God offers salvation to ALL who ask.
How many times will we be awed by His free gift?
How many times will we be humbled by His infinite grace?
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