The Good News in One Verse
“Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. ”
The Good News in one verse. The Gospel message of God’s redeeming love for all humanity is recorded in this single verse. The whos, the whats, and the whys of the Good News are right there in three, concise groups.
The first group: Jesus (who) gave his life (what) for our sins (why). The second: just as God our Father (who) planned (what), in order to rescue (why). And finally: us (who) from (what) this evil world in which we live (why).
There can be no argument that our world is fallen and evil. Not only can folks be inconsiderate and mean, at times folks can be utterly evil and terribly wicked. Human inhumanity to others is appalling. The Bible calls such evil sin.
All of us, though we may not be so terribly evil or wicked, are sinners. We’ve all broken God’s laws. We can’t even meet our own standards of morality. We certainly can’t meet God’s measure of righteous perfection. We are all sinners and our world is evil as a result of our sins.
Such sinfulness is exactly why we need to be rescued. We are so sinful, so imperfect, so broken that we can not by any means save ourselves. We need a Savior. We need someone with the strength of righteous perfection to save us from our sins. We need Jesus.
Jesus, God’s sinless son—who showed his righteous perfection through his countless miracles and his truthful teaching as recorded in the Bible—gave himself to save humanity. He gave himself to save each and every person who has ever lived. Including you.
Why? Because we couldn’t do it for ourselves. Why? Because God, in his sovereignty, planned it this way. Why? Because God who created humanity in His image loves us. Why? Because God; He is Sovereign.
So here it is: the Good News of God’s amazing love for you in one Bible verse. God loves you no matter what. Jesus died for you because of your what. Will you commit your life to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? Will you commit your life to be a follower of Jesus?
You can do that right now. Voice a simple prayer.
“God, I know I have sinned and broken Your law. I believe Jesus is Your Sinless Son. I commit my life to follow Jesus as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for saving me. Amen.”
If you’ve done that for the first time or if you’re seeking greater understanding, then contact me directly. Tell everyone about your decision. Continue to pray all the time. Read the Bible every day. Attend a Bible teaching local church every week. Find a more mature Christian to meet with regularly for guidance.
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