The Road Ahead
2020 in the rearview mirror.
Yet racial tension, unsettled elections, a partisan populace, and a global pandemics leave us unsettled as we consider the road ahead.
We don’t know where 2021 will take us. We pray the elections will be decided fairly. We pray the vaccines will work, the virus stopped, and lives saved. We pray prejudices will be overcome and love will win. We pray reason will prevail in disagreements and folks will be considerate of one another. We pray that everyone would have someone to trust, someone who loves them for who they are. We pray our nation is peaceful and prosperous. We pray that we find joy and grow in hope. We pray the road ahead will be smoother than what is behind.
What can we do to best travel the road ahead?
Pray. Earnestly. Constantly. For any concern we have. God’s ear is attentive. We will draw us near as we seek Him.
Read. Daily. Thoughtfully. Though broad reading is encouraged, prioritize the Bible. God’s Word reveals His character, His purposes, and His ways.
Love. Fully. Freely. The world needs love in action. Otherish love that is God powered, other focused, and self sacrificing.
Serve. Sacrificially. Regularly. It’s not about you. Others make everything better. Make a difference today and for the days to come.
The road ahead will be better.
On we go.