Easter If...
I shared something like this with my congregation yesterday & wanted to share a grin with you...
- It might be Easter if the sunrise meant a little more to you today than on any other day.
- It might be Easter if you stayed up late or woke up early to iron some special clothes.
- It might be Easter if you are, by choice or against your will & better judgment, wearing some shade of pastel today. That you had to iron of course.
- It might be Easter if you considered how to start in on that tasty chocolate bunny: Ears or tail? Or maybe feet, so he can't run away!
- It might be Easter if you were somehow in some way more considerate of your personal relationship with Jesus this week.
- It might be Easter if you have some sort of artificial grass growing from your living room carpet right now.
- It might be Easter if you have a ham in the oven & you're worried that it'll be dried out if the preacher goes long.
- It might be Easter if you are wondering where you hid that last plastic egg. Was it under that bush or back there by the fence?
- It might be Easter if its 10am & you have a sugar-buzz from all the candy you consumed before coming to church.
- It might be Easter if you cried when we sang "Because He Lives" just a few moments ago.
- It might be Easter if you are smiling beacuse you know Jesus loves you & even an army of bunnies with baskets & sweets can't get in the way of that truth.
Christ is risen.
He is risen indeed.