Pleasing God
Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. Micah 7:18 NIV
If you believe God is real.
If you believe God is good.
If you believe God is righteous.
If you believe God wants to be know.
If you believe God rewards those who seek Him.
If you believe God desires righteousness in us.
Then you will want to please Him.
Want to.
Want to & do. Two separate things.
I may want to run fast enough—for 26.2 miles—to qualify to run in the iconic Boston Marathon. I may not have either the incredible physical ability or nor the long-term, hardcore training regimen to get there in the years ahead.
You may want to lose weight—those 20 stubborn pounds—so you’ll be healthier and feel better. You may not have habits of diet and exercise to get there or the self-discipline to execute those habits for as long as 20 pounds takes.
Want to.
I assume that as Christ follower you will want to serve God. Yet I know as a Christ follower I do not always do what I want (Romans 7:15). My selfish desires or my sin nature get in the way of doing what I know is right. Doing what pleases God.
The nations of Israel & Judah, in the midst of the Divided Kingdoms as God’s People, both knew better. Yet both, at this time between 750-722 BC, didn’t even seem to want to please God much less to really, earnestly serve Him. As one commentator said, “Israel was rebellious, Judah was religious, but sin is sin.” No matter its form: Sin is sin.
Micah, whose name meant “Who is like Yahweh,” was a contemporary of Amos & Hosea. He was quoted by Jeremiah. We can date his ministry since he names the kings whose reigns he served in (1:2).
As you read the book of Micah you get a sense of its structure. From bad to good. From judgment to hope. From justice to joyfulness.
BAD, Pronouncement of Judgment (1:2-2:11)
Good, Restoration of a Remnant (2:12-13)
BAD, Indictment of Leaders (3:1-12)
Good, Announcement of Future Hope (4:1-5:15)
BAD, Charges of Unrighteousness (6:1-7:7)
Good, Triumph of God’s Kingdom (7:8-20)
How are you doing? In the pleasing God department?
Do you just want to? Or do you not even care?
Do you want to but need more help to just do it?
Confess your shortcomings to God. He pardons. He forgives. He restores.
Please share this post or share a comment. This is the sixth in a weekly series, Major Stuff from the Minor Prophets.