On the Lips
The Book of Proverbs is loaded with down-to-earth, common-sense, sage advice for every day living. You want to live better: read a chapter a day; live by what you read. Better life guaranteed.
If you are not a regular Bible reader—it makes all the difference in your perspective & processing of life—then you can start simple. Read one chapter of Proverbs a day. Chapter number corresponding to the day of the month.
Don’t worry if you get behind. Just keep it simple & read that day.
Don’t worry about the months with less than 31 days. Just read extra or wait until the next month.
Don’t worry that I’m going to let you off the hook. Just read a chapter a day. It’s that easy.
Let me share a little wisdom on interpersonal communication to whet your appetite.
Listen and keep. Do I listen to my parents? No matter my age. Proverbs 1:8—Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
Hold it. When should I speak less? Rather be though a fool... you know the cliche. Proverbs 10:19—Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.
Fruity lips. What fruit am I growing? Better than the striped gum. Proverbs 12:14—From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.
Wrath away. How gentle am I? Pot stirrers need not apply. Proverbs 15:1—A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
On the lips. Am I always honest? Pucker up. Proverbs 24:26—An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.
Lying and honesty, speaking or holding back, listening and wisdom. They are all in there. These are just five of hundreds of proverbs on interpersonal communication alone. Then there are all the other topics of wisdom or foolishness and on and on. You gotta read it to find out.
Chapter a day.
Change your life.