I'm Good
Our church has a prayer chapel. An external, single room building that sits at the edge of our parking lot near some trees.
This afternoon as I was returning from lunch, a car was parked in the shade next to the chapel. The driver had his window down.
I greeted him and asked, "Can I help you with anything?"
"Just taking my lunch," came his reply.
So I stated, "Didn't know if you wanted to use the prayer chapel. I can open it for you."
He responded, "No thanks. I'm good."
You sure?
I hope you are good.
I pray you are good.
He very well may not have wanted to inconvenience me. Or maybe my odd request caught him off guard. So he answered without thinking. But the irony—seemingly not wanting to pray—was not lost.
How many times in my life can I be prayerful? Always.
How many times do I give God the "I'm good" when I'm far from it?
How many times have I left the throne of grace unattended because I was too busy bowing at some throne of sinful humanity? Even my own deceived, fallen humanity.
Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time. Hebrews 4:16 HCSB