It's Not About Me
You gotta love this picture: The James Family Four jumping for joy.
The grinning Mom is a friend I'd never met. Beth James is the wife of a college buddy, David.
Beth James is battling cancer.
That word. The C-word. Stirs each of us. Deeply.
Strong images & emotions within. Fear. Sickness. Pain. Sadness. Suffering. Death. Anger. Uncertainty. Hope. Survival. Faith. Future. Eternity.
Beth is in the midst of the battle of her life for her life. Read about its unreal beginnings written by David here.
And then do not miss reading Beth's amazing perspective just two months into her battle here.
Join me in praying for Beth & her family.
And, as you read their story, be strengthened. Be encouraged.
No matter your battle.
It's not about you.
God knows.
God loves.
He will carry you through.