Bread You Did Not Know
He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had know, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 8:3. Not an easy verse. Not too pleasing to consider. Might make you down-right angry.
God did what? To his own people? Who He says He loves with an everlasting, covenant love? And he did it why? That mean, hard, inconsiderate thing? Humbled? Hunger?
You might be tempted to ask God, “What were you thinking?” Or to give him a piece of your mind, “That’s not nice! How dare you? Your own people.”
Before we go off on God, let’s remember a few things: One, He is all loving, all knowing, & absolutely without flaw - no matter what we think; Two, we are NOT Him - no matter what we think.
When life doesn’t seem to be going my way. When I have sown poor choices and begin to reap the consequences. When I have simply fallen into unfortunate chance but still have to deal with the mess. When I want to play the victim making it the fault of anything but me. When I want to name someone else the villain making it their fault alone. When in any of these scenes or more as a follower of Christ I want to doubt God’s goodness or question His plan I need to remember. I need to remember Him.
Don’t forget. Remember. God is sovereign. God does love me. God does have a plan bigger than I can imagine. God has created me to fill a special role in His plan. God knows all my circumstances. God feels all my sorrows. And God can use everything in my life for His glory. Will I let him?
When I am humbled. When I am hungry. When I am hurting in any way. Will I turn to Him? Knowing He has a plan and He will carry me through.
And did you notice what God did in the midst of their hunger to remind them of His love and power? He did something no one had ever known before. He fed them with manna. Miraculous manna. God used bread they did not know to teach them about a living bread - His Word - they did know.
So it is today. It is His Word that sustains us. Maybe you’re feeling malnourished. If so, then this might be a good time to start a new Bible reading plan this year. Or maybe a new daily devotional. There are so many ways to engage God’s Word that we have no excuse. Other than our heart and commitment.
Remember. God uses everything in our lives. Especially the hard things. To show us His power, to teach us His provision, and to draw us closer to Him. Are you humbled or hurting? God is after your heart. Turn to Him in faith.
Tandem is an easy, electronic way to engage God’s Word throughout your day. With a schedule & by means you choose. Email, text, even voicemail. All customized to you. All done well. You’ll be blessed.
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