The Camel Part


The kids are looking forward to a trip to the zoo this evening. And as every parent knows, no trip to the Lincoln Children's Zoo is complete without a train ride.

One problem. Well two. Maybe four.

The train passes the camels. Two different pens. With two camels each equals four camels total.

As we've previously established, Mary Elizabeth has a sensitive nose. Camels stink. That's what she thinks.

Join the conversation this morning...

ME: I don't want to take a train ride today.
Daddy: You love the train ride.
ME: But I don't want to smell the camels.
Daddy: You like all rest of the train ride, right?
ME: I just don't like the camel part.
Daddy: Here's an idea, Mary. We ride the train & have fun. We just hold our noses on the camel part. How's that?
ME: Okay!

Problem solved.

Lord, remind me of this truth the next time my adult life stinks: Enjoy the ride. Just hold your nose on the camel part. It'll pass.

You Stink!


My dear Mary Elizabeth has a sensitive nose.

I come in from my morning run. Satisfied, but sweaty. From the couch. Before I see her. I hear, "Daddy, you stink!"

When our eyes meet. I see the smile in hers. I can't see the rest of her face. She's covering her nose with her heart-patterned pink snugly blanket. There is a playful, Daddy's-heart-melting smile in those big brown eyes.

I stink.

Yet she loves me.

And it appears that she enjoys loving me. Even when I stink.

Thank God for little girls! Thank God for my little girl, ME.

ME loves me. ME reminds me that God loves me the same way. But unimaginably more.

Even when I stink.