A New Road
I used to be a runner. A marathoner. Running—in addition to being enjoyable exercise—was a metaphor for life. Now I’m a cyclist. And just as I saw deeper meaning in the act of running, so too in the transition to cycling.
Life means change.
We grow; we age. We’re healthy; we’re sick. Things work; things break. We hope; we hurt. We love; we hate. Chapters start; chapters end. We learn; we languish. Circumstances smile; circumstances stink. We’re joyful; we’re sorrowful. We’re born; we die.
Is change the only constant?
As I wrote here, “Part of maturity is sacrifice. Part of maturity is transition. Part of maturity is change. Nothing lasts forever. Everything has a season.” Life means change. We may not want to surrender to it, but we may be forced to.
Guess what I discovered in this change?
As much as I loved running, I thoroughly enjoy cycling. I feel a bit like a kid again every time I start a ride or pedal as hard as I can to top a hill or race down the other side. It’s fun. There is joy in the new road. Of course, cycling is not life, but it shares lessons that apply to our greater life concerns.
How can we better handle change?
Have the funeral. Mourn your loss. Write the obit. Offer your eulogy. Seriously. Whether it’s a job change, relationship change, health change, ability change, or whatever. Mourn as fits your personality and situation. If it’s not coming back, then celebrate what it was and close the chapter. Go at your own pace, but engage the process. God made us to grieve. Grief serves a positive purpose.
Share the experience. Again, as it fits your personality and situation, invite family and friends and anyone else who can help or cares to listen into your change. Change is a common denominator of all people. You’ll be surprised how folks step up to contribute to your recovery if you let them in. Folks want to help, they just might be too shy to volunteer; give them an invite. We need one another. We’re always better together.
Get moving forward. I’m not a cyclist unless I get out there and cycle. What about you? You’re not truly alive unless you are out there living, right? Don't die before you take your last breath. Get moving. In your own time, pursue some new dream, new relationship, new you, new whatever. Get yourself moving forward to get yourself healthy. Life is change. Roll with it. Even down your new road.
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