Been Writing
In the past month you may wonder where I have been. In addition to an amazing week in Colorado with my family, I've been writing. Just not here. Not here yet anyhow.
I started my Doctor of Ministry degree and the second class, Integrating Christian Faith & Practice, assigned me the task of writing about the role of women in ministry. Not an easy issue.
So began three months of reading, thinking, and writing in the evenings and weekends and freetime. Four complete books on the issue. Dozens of Bible commentaries. Countless websites and blogs. The volume of information and opinion on the issue is astounding.
Emailed it in today. 72 pages, 56 sources, 214 footnotes. Not that anyone is counting. Not Herculean. Not anything anyone else hasn't done much more for much longer. A worthy, lengthy pursuit none-the-less.
Let me know if you'd like a copy. I'd be interested in your feedback.
Oh, and it's not over. I'll go to class in a week. Learn some more. Come back to edit part one. Then add 20+ more pages for a few more chapters in part two. It'll be a mini-dissertation.
Thank God for His Word to guide and a great family to support me along the way.