Hope Comes
Hope comes in the dawn. Twilight awakened colors cast across an infinite sky.
Hope comes in a smile. Eyes alight, direct to my soul.
Hope comes in the laughter. Unreserved, free, joy made audible.
Hope comes in the breeze. Refreshing reminders of the Unseen at work.
Hope come in the mirror. Intent upon my eyes, seeking courage.
Hope comes in footsteps. An infant toddling into uncertainty with abandon.
Hope comes in a song. Harmony and unity together lifting us to Glory.
Hope comes in sunset. Crepuscule cool that hastens welcome rest.
Hope comes in discovery. Who knew until it was tried.
Hope comes in change. Scary resisted becomes liberation embraced.
Hope comes. A respite from dreaded thoughts, disabling anxiety, and paralyzing fear.
Hope comes. A gift from the Giver of all good things, the Lover of my soul.
I can. I will. I am. I will be. In Christ.
Hope comes.